Thursday, March 3, 2011

Why Is Commercial Such A Bad Word?

Barbara Bui Fall 2011
  So often in the business of fashion we are so wrapped up in the concept of "cutting edge", and "the new" this or that, when we hear that a collection was "wearable" or god forbid "commercial", we tend to read BORING. It seems that we forget that we are in the garment business, and the point IS to sell clothing, and ultimately make money. Enter Barbara Bui.
  After Balenciaga, and Balmain showed this morning, I scanned to see if there was anything I had missed, and happened across the Bui show. I was instantly attracted to her collection. Was she showing cutting edge fashions that wowed at every exit? No. Innovative cuts, that scared women into saying they were Fabulous? No. What Barbara did was show a collection of  33 exits that her customer WILL WEAR! There were great aviator coats, (yes, still...) and terrific trousers cut slightly cropped, and close enough to the leg that they didn't balloon out when tucked into a woman's winter boot. She showed lots of black leather jackets, which is to be expected from her, and draped mini dresses, in jersey, and leather.
  Barbara isn't going to be worn on the red carpet, and isn't looking for lots of press, I feel like she knows her client, and makes clothing for her. I feel like this winter, a lot of women will be wearing this look, right along with the Slouchy trousers, and chiffon blouses. See the collection below, at

Barbara Bui at

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