Last week, I was fortunate enough to get to NYC for the Alexander McQueen Savage Beauty Exhibit at the Metropolitan Museum of Art. Can I assume that if you are reading my blog, you all know who Alexander McQueen is? OK, I will also assume that you are aware of the deep feelings, and admiration I have for the man, and his visions. This was a high point of my year!

The pieces selected for the show were McQueen classics. Pieces I had grownup staring into magazines at. Some pieces induced chills before his death, such as the black feathered dress from Fall 2009, or the Samurai football player from his chess collection in Spring 2005, they were both there! And his years at Givenchy were really well represented, as someone who is old enough to remember his work at Givenchy, seeing the pieces up close was stunning.
Also awe inspiring was the Plato's Atlantis collection. His final full collection, which until seeing it live I was unimpressed with. What never came across in photo's and editorials was the fact that a lot of the fabrics were woven jacquard's, not printed, as I previously thought. It was amazing! I hated leaving, even now, writing this post I have chills.

There was a point when I was watching the 3D hologram video of Kate Moss spiraling around in a glass pyramid, where I literally cried, and looked to my friend, who isn't as passionate about fashion as I am, and guess what, he was crying too! If you end up in NYC before the 7th of August, this is a MUST MUST MUST see... I seriously would have regretted missing this show forever. I just wish I had been brave enough to have gotten my own images!
Images from Style.com, and annewilliamson.com